14 MarRunning on empty

I often get asked whether or not it is better to eat before working out. This is a topic that continues to generate much debate (just google it!), and has nutritionists and fitness professionals falling on both sides of the argument.

There is a belief that exercising in a fasted state encourages our bodies to burn more fat. Since most of my clients attend my Boot Camp classes early in the morning they are generally in a fasted state, having not eaten for 10 or more hours (unless they’ve been midnight snacking!). Most of them have general fitness goals – lose body fat, improve strength and cardiovascular fitness.

Studies have shown that exercising in a fasted state has a number of benefits, including:

– stimulates fat oxidation (burning)

– increases growth hormone levels (needed for muscle growth and repair)

One concern with doing high intensity exercise in a fasted state is that our main fuel source (glycogen) during such exercise is already depleted, so the body will then have to break down proteins to provide the fuel needed to workout. This would be counter-productive, as proteins are the building blocks of our muscles. According to Richards (Science of Fat Loss, 2014), this can be countered by taking a Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) supplement before you work out.  Taking them on an empty stomach triggers the release of anabolic hormones, telling your body it’s ‘a good time to build’. Richards states that the BCAAs leucine, isoleucine and valine are the most critical group of amino acids for muscle growth. BCAAs can be purchased at any good health food store.

Some people do find it hard, though, to exercise on an empty stomach. If this is the case, nutritionists suggest eating a small amount of carbs (fruit) and protein (yogurt, small whey protein shake) around 30 minutes before working out. My suggestion – see what works for you, but make sure you try it over a period of time to see if one regime is better than the other. If you do try exercising early on an empty stomach, make sure you have eaten healthily the day before, including a well-balanced evening meal, and that you are properly hydrated.

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