Here’s what people are saying about BritFit Boot Camps…

 I’m 46 years old and fitness has always been essential to me for feeling good and maintaining strength.  I have done almost every type of workout out there.  I came to Brit Fit a year ago and was surprised that I could get the results I did in a short amount of time.  Some of the workouts are done without any added weights, just your body weight.  I love the varied workouts, group motivation, and results!
[Kim P., Ferndale]

I’ve tried lots of workouts over the years – yoga, pilates, the gym. But I have always hated cardio and it’s what I needed the most. With the one-minute BritFit circuits I’ve learned I can do anything for a minute. Just when I think I’m about to die, it’s time to switch to a different exercise – abs, weights or cardio. Perfect. I now have better endurance, my cholesterol is at an all-time low and I’ve gotten my low-blood sugar under better control thanks to the workouts. And best of all I’ve made some incredible new friends. I can’t say enough about Steve Cook and his classes.
[Gigi V., Pleasant Ridge]

Love, love, love BritFit.  It has motivated me to “get up and get out” 2-3 times a week at the wee hours of 5:47AM, but come 7AM, I feel great, eating breakfast and drinking coffee with my family and ready to start the day.  Close to my one year mark I can really see my transformation and others can too!  Thanks, Steve! 
[Jill L., Pleasant Ridge]

Since starting BritFit and maintaining a regular exercise routine, I have found that I have more energy, am more organized and many of the little health issues that used to ail me– like heartburn– are now gone. Of course, I am more toned, but the other benefits came as a wonderful and welcome surprise. 
[Kathy L., Pleasant Ridge]

Since joining BritFit boot camp, I feel more energetic. I feel stronger, and see more muscle definition. I have discovered in myself a desire to be challenged, and I feel like I am more open to pushing myself in a way I wasn’t  before. There is a fun, energetic atmosphere in the class, and Steve is always encouraging everyone to push themselves.
[Kristine P., Huntington Woods]

 I love my boot camp with Steve! I’ve lost 20 lbs since April 2011 and I feel better than I have in 8 years.  Steve is a kind, but firm instructor and we have fun in class, even at the ungodly hour of 6 am. Highly recommend this class!
[Julie S., Pleasant Ridge]

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